Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2024
Church Yard Cemetery Assn.
Call to Order: Peter Barnum called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
Roll call: P. Barnum, R. Pettit, R. Lewis, F. Adams, B. Fahey, C. Felten, B. Barton, M. Mason.
Treasurer’s Report: Fahey discussed actual revenue and expenses year-to-date compared with the proposed budget. We are still within the proposed numbers with an additional mowing and fall clean-up left.
There was discussion of Lane expenses. He laid out the new Mill Brook section, cut down dying trees in that area and also opened and closed the fountain in addition to replacing some failed water pipes. Water for the fountain and two faucets has come from Heritage Hill Rd since the time when Bert Currier’s father was caretaker. Almost all pipes have now been replaced. Barnum is still in discussion about connecting to School system which would be more reliable but may come at a “substantial” cost.
There was a discussion of the proposed budget for 2025. Adams suggested $180 extra for insurance. Mason suggested $500 for a new map to include the Mill Brook addition. Fahey suggested we add up to $2000 to maintenance for stone repair and tree care since we have spent nothing on that in 2024. The proposed budget with the above additions was moved by Adams, seconded by Barnum and passed unanimously. In addition, Reggie Pettit asked that we invite the insurance agent to our next meeting.
Finance Report: A copy of our Bar Harbor brokerage statement was provided. Fletcher Adams would like to see us watch our expenses so that we spend as little of the principal as possible.
2024 Burials: Andrew Sheppe is on sabbatical and has passed his duties to Bruce Barton. To date there have been five burials- Mike Crowell, John Nielsen, Vicki Nielsen, Steven Burrows and Lynne Mitchell. The cemetery will close after Veterans’ Day.
2024 Lot Sales: See Kristin Snow’s written report as well as Lane’s lot map. She has sold lots in the original Mill Brook, in the cremation area and in the new Mill Brook addition. Several prospective buyers have asked about half lots so she requested that trustees determine whether there should be a specific area for them within the new section. There was a lengthy discussion and a motion by Felten, seconded by Barton, that we look over the area in the spring and sell the half lots currently on the map in the meantime. Seven votes in favor, one dissenting.
Mason reminded trustees to look at the work Snow has done to put pictures and locations of all markers in the cemetery on Find-a-Grave.
Church Use: Felten reported that there have been no calls for wedding or funeral use. She has aired out the church several times.
Website, Proprietor Lists, Map: Mason reported that website was updated in August with current map and updated proprietor lists as well as Rules (including price list) passed in June. New map and rules are posted at the Tool house. She expects to do a map with the new section sometime next year.
Grounds Maintenance: Barnum reported that grounds were mowed in timely fashion this year and that the mower will return next year. He will mow one more time so that some of the leaves can be mulched and help with raking the remainder. Barnum also expects to contract for some tree limbs to be removed. As was mentioned earlier, he will continue to look at a possible waterline connection.
Other issues: Mason mentioned Sheppe’s question re the number of flat markers there can be on a cremation lot. The current rules say two. Should we permit four since four cremation burials are allowed? No decision.
Bruce Barton is working on a cemetery tour pointing out Holderness School graduates, faculty and founders. He asks about other well-known gravesites. Mason will give him some names; Kristin Snow also notes some in Find-a-Grave.
New/Old Business: None reported.
Next Meeting: The annual Proprietors’ Meeting will be held at Trinity Church Thursday, June 5, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. A Trustee Meeting will follow.
Meeting Adjourned 5:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Millicent (Missy) Mason