Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2024

Church Yard Cemetery Assn.

Roll call: Peter Barnum, Fletcher Adams, Barbara Fahey, Carole Felten, Dick Lewis, Andrew Sheppe, Missy Mason, Barbara Currier. Missing: Reggie Pettitt, Steve Siek, Bruce Barton, Kristin Snow.

Trustee Election: No new trustees were elected. Current trustees have agreed to continue except for Andrew Sheppe who will take a sabbatical year from his teaching position and be available only intermittently during the summer and early fall. His trustee position will be filled at our October meeting. He hopes to train two trustees to arrange burials, possibly B. Barton and R. Pettitt. Trustee terms will be as follows: 2025- Adams, Mason, Fahey, Lewis, Felten, Snow 2026-Barnum, Pettitt, Siek, Barton

Public Discussion: Proprietors Allen and Chickie Merrill were present to discuss maintenance issues. They questioned why there is no berm discouraging access from Holderness School property to the cemetery. This was part of a discussion with Mr. Peck, the previous headmaster. There seems not to have been enough money to build it. In lieu of that, the Merrills suggested a wire fence. They are particularly concerned about roaming dogs whose owners do not clean up after them. They also would like to see “No dogs allowed” signs. After discussion, the trustees agreed that they will investigate putting waste bags at the two side entrances and possibly signs encouraging dog owners to pick up waste. Andrew Sheppe will send an email to Holderness faculty reminding them that dogs should not be on the property without their owners.

The Merrills requested that the street signs and 1797 plaque be put back up. Peter Barnum will see that that is done. In addition, they asked the whereabouts of the guest book that has been in the entry. Barnum will search.

Re the long grass, Peter Barnum took responsibility for not alerting B. Ballou, whose contract calls for 8-10 mowings during the season, that it was time to go to work again.

Clint Lane was given the floor to discuss the water system. He started the system going but then there were both a blockage and broken pipes that kept the fountain from working. He will replace all the pipes that have not already been replaced the last eight years. He expects that job to take two and a half to three days. (100 psi pipe for non-potable water)

Lane also brought up the new burial area that he laid out on the east side of Millbrook Avenue. He thinks two trees will have to come down and says they can be ground up and used for mulch.

--Lemonade and Cookie Interval on Church Lawn—

Trustee Meeting

Trustee Meeting called to order at 3:40 p.m. The above-named trustees were present.

Election of Officers: It was proposed that the current officers continue- Barnum, president; Adams, vice president; Mason, secretary; Fahey, treasurer. Motion by Sheppe, second by Felten. Unanimous vote in favor.

Minutes of the October 13, 2023 meeting: Mason reported that all trustees who were present at that meeting had approved the minutes by email and phone by October 23.

Finance Committee Report: Fletcher Adams reported on the May 28 meeting with Bar Harbor Bank advisor Bryan Sanford. He recommended we stick to the balanced 50% equities, 40% fixed income and 10% cash. We use all the dividends and interest to fund maintenance costs and should try to avoid using the principal. (Our only other sources of income are lot sales, burial fees and donations.) He thanked Peter Barnum for the huge fundraising effort which allowed the church restoration to go forward without using much of that principal. He announced that the downtown Northway Bank branch is closing and our safety deposit box which holds deeds and communion silver will be at the Northway branch on Highland near Tenney Mountain Highway.

Treasurer’s Report: Barbara Fahey mailed the Bar Harbor report, financials from 2023, and the proposed budget for this year to all trustees.

Website: Mason will have site updated as soon as minutes are approved. Fahey asks if we can have the actual proprietor list rather than having to download it. Mason will check with webmaster.

Lot Sales: Kris Snow sent a written report. There are now 2261 graves in the cemetery most of which have a photo and GPS location. They can be seen at Samuel Livermore, Arthur Livermore, Robert Burns (congressman) and Harl Pease Jr., Medal of Honor recipient, are considered “famous.” She has sold plots to Bruckers, Lewis, Fullers and Kings as well as reissuing a deed to Comeau. Re the new lots that have been laid out, she requested a determination on name, numbering and price. After discussion and considering that the new lots are larger, the trustees voted unanimously for a price of $2300. (Motion, Sheppe; second, Felten.) They also agreed that the lots should be a continuation of Mill Brook and be numbered as they are—26-1, 26-2 etc.

Burials: Andrew Sheppe reported that there has been only one burial this spring.

New Business: Proprietor Barry Borella is concerned that the church has no fire and burglar alarm. Barnum has discussed the issue with Historic Preservation Alliance and will consult the Holderness fire and police chiefs. The building has no electricity or water. Carole Felten has seen information about a solar fire alarm and will research.

Barbara Currier has been a trustee for 28 years. Her in-laws have a long history as sextons and she wants to continue to stay informed and take part in meetings.

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 17, 2024 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm at Holderness Town Hall.

Meeting Adjourned 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Millicent (Missy) Mason